Monday, January 26, 2009

November, December, January.......

Well I have three months to catch up on! I am officially the slacker of blogging! Lets begin with November, we moved into our condo around the 6th and we got our puppy (Lucy) the next day. We love our new house and are having fun being able to paint and do what we want to it. We have painted the Kitchen and our Master bath so far. Lucy is a good dog. We can finally say that she is potty trained wahoo!! I used to have six pairs of flip flops in my closet.... I now have one. It is nice to have a little buddy while Jeff does his homework. Well actually Lucy prefers to sit by Jeff's feet while he does his homework, but every now and then I steal her and lock her upstairs with me. December flew by like it always does. Christmas party after Christmas party. We had a fun time and enjoyed seeing all the family. Jeff has started another semester of school. I think we have 5 or 6 left not sure I don't like to count!. He is doing well and I can't wait for his summer break so I can hang out with him and not the dog as much! Jeff goes on his Ice Fishing Derby in a few weeks ( valentines weekend) I get three presents now instead of one. One before he goes, one in the middle, and one when he comes back!. He looks forward to this all year, and can't wait to sit his cute butt on a frozen ice cold lake. I don't see where the fun is, but hey he likes it! Here are some pictures of the events of the last three months. I am in need of a new camera, so these are all taken on my phone sorry if they are blurry!


Amy said...

Your painting jobs look wonderful. I love the black cabinets in your bathroom. Your table looks cute too. I can't wait to come and see it. Good Job.

The Van's said...

Your condo looks adorable! You guys are so good at painting we would like to hire you to help us paint the girls rooms!!