Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines 2009

We celebrated Valentines early this year, because Jeff had his Annual Ice Fishing Derby on Valentines weekend! Jeff got me the movie Hope floats, a bag of Kisses, and some new flip flops that have a story of their own. When I opened them I tried them on and then slipped them off and the left them on the floor for seriously 40 seconds at the most. I gave Jeff a huge and the next thing we know Lucy had already chewed them to bits! We both had to laugh. He also got flowers for me! He definitely made up for being gone! I got him some movies, candy and dinosaur socks, I put on note on them that said ' You knock my socks off!" I wanted to be cheesy!! We had a great Valentines and we hope all of you did as well!

Jeff gave me the funniest card, I had to share it!

My short lived flip flop!


Jackie Norris said...

Ha! That is a funny card! I like it!

Muir Family said...

Love the card.