Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Yup that is right I turned a whole pack of candles today. If you are wondering how many candles are in a whole pack it is 24!! It was a wonderful birthday. I woke up to cake batter pancakes, they were delicious! I saw the cake batter pancake idea on a friends blog and thought it looked so good! Jeff was a good husband and listened to me a few weeks ago when I mentioned I wanted to try them. Jeff took the morning off of work to my surprise and hung out with Annie and I. I got my favorite Disney movie "The Lion King",and I got to go a shopping spree! We then went to Gia's, a local Italian restaurant in Logan that we have never tried in the six years we have been here. It was so yummy! On our way home we stopped off at Kneaders Bakery and I got to choose a birthday treat. I picked out two :) A chocolate Eclair, and a fruit tart!!

So much for Weight Watchers today.... Birthdays are free days right....

Thanks to my hubby and baby girl for a wonderful 24 B-day!!!

Oh and this was Lucy's present to me. A whole bunch of puke! Thanks Lucy. I guess it was probably our fault since Jeff made her a small cake batter pancake to enjoy as well!

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