Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Well in my family we procrastinate Memorial Weekend. In doing this we end up camping in my Dads backyard! It actually was pretty fun. We made tinfoil dinners, and roasted marshmallows in the rain! Jeff and I had the party tent while all the others went to bed, we had my 3 nieces stuffed in our little 2 man tent playing phase ten. We woke up the next morning to pancakes, bacon, eggs, the whole works. It was great! Once our belly's were good and full, Jeff and I attempted a float tube fishing trip with our dog Lucy at Rockport. Even though we didn't have any luck with catching fish, Lucy made it entertaining! We brought a little raft so that she could come out in the water with us, but oh no she did not want her own raft, she wanted to sit right on my lap. She jumped out of hers swam over to mine and jumped up on it soaking wet!! It was hilarious, the water had to be freezing cold! After our adventurous fishing trip, we went to Jeff's parents for a yummy steak dinner, a great way to end a fun weekend.

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