Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One year older

Well my birthday was this past Sunday and I had a great one! On Saturday Jeff put together a whole Bed and Breakfast thing for me. He called it the " Harmony Hill B&B". I got to pick what I wanted for breakfast, lunch and where I wanted to go out for dinner. Then I got to pick an activity for the day. We went ice skating! I also got to choose something from the "spa". He bought this whole thing of bath salts, scrubs etc and a good cd to listen to while I relaxed! What a thoughtful husband I have! I love how he so create with things!

Then on Sunday my family came up and my mom cooked me a great birthday dinner, and what is a family get together without a trip to the ER. My sweet mom wasn't feeling well and the right side of her face started to droop, so we took her to Intsacare. They told us that she had 3 of 5 signs of a stroke and so from there we went to the ER. Luckily they ran all of the tests and it did not turn out to be a stroke, but Bell's Palsy. So she was put a few different medicines and all is well. Overall it was a great 22nd birthday. I am so lucky to have such wonderful husband and sweet family! Thanks everyone for making my birthday great!

2014 Winter Olympics here we come!!

When you forget candles.... grab a crayon and a lighter!

My cute little mommy

Last week my dad and step mom also had a birthday dinner for me. How does a girl get so lucky?! Some pictures from that...


Jackie Norris said...

Happy Birthday Ashlee! Jeff is so creative, what a great idea!

I'm sorry to hear about your mom! That's no fun. I'm glad it wasn't a stroke, though.

triplej said...

He is creative! So glad your mom is ok. What a scare!