Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thumbs up to all you Mothers out there!

Last weekend we babysat my brothers three kids, Abby 6, Chase 3, and Brooke 10 mo. We went from having one dog to having three kids and two dogs! They are really good kids and we had lots of fun with them, but it was still a lot of work. Breakfast for five, bath time, diaper changing, bottle feeding, nap time, entertaining, lunch for five, Is it three already and I am still in my pj's!, oh feed the dogs, poopy diaper!, and baby peed on the floor while trying to get her in the tub, Dinner time already! Abby wants to watch her movie, but chase wants to watch his.... and only one T.V., Brush teeth, say prayers, hurry find Abby's blanket! Shhh listen the house is quiet... oh crap it is six in the morning already!! In a nutshell all of you mothers are amazing!! I called my mom that weekend and asked her how in the world did you raise six kids?! She said " I don't really know, I just did! Jeff was a huge help although once the weekend was over I didn't really feel like I had seen him! We had fun making play dough, and flubber! We went to parks and got ice cream cones. One funny story, we were at a park that is right on the main street of Heber. Chase needed to go to the bathroom so Jeff took him over to the bathroom at the park, but it was locked so while Jeff was looking for a good tree for chase to pee behind. Chase was busy taking his pants off, and peeing facing the passing cars on main street. It was so funny all we could do was laugh at him! The weekend really made me realize the selflessness that motherhood is. It also made me appreciate this time that Jeff and I have to just spend together. I am so excited for the day when we have a family of our own, but for the time being the weekend was great birth control for me! I don't get quite as jealous now in Relief Society when it seems like every girl in there is holding a baby, but me!!


Brad and Lindsay said...

Gotta Love that bed head hair Jeff...I'm laughing my butt off! Sounds like it was a crazy weekend!

The Van's said...

You will make a wonderful Mother! You have had more practice than any of us ever had and it is so different when they are your own. You would do anything for them!! You know that though. Love ya sis!