Sunday, September 14, 2008

USU vs. U of U

This Saturday Utah State Played the U of U up here in Logan. We invited my family up for BBQ and then some of us went to the game. It was a lot of fun. I can't believe we fit that many people in our little apartment, But it worked out nicely. It was a good thing we have all that grass out back. We set up camping chairs so some could sit outside. The nieces and nephews watched a movie up in our bedroom. I went up to check on them and they were all cuddled up on our bed in blanket. It was sooo... Cute! Those of us who went to the game walked up to the stadium. Most were sportin their U of U gear. Jeff wore a mix. He had on his U of U hat and his USU shirt. I was a true aggie fan and went all Aggie gear! The game turned out as expected USU 10 - U of U 58. The aggies did score the first touchdown, but it was all down hill from there! It was a fun tailgating party. Thanks family for making the long drive up and the even longer drive down due to the canyon closure! We love you all!!


Andrea said...

YAY! You guys are back in BUSNIESS to the BLOGGING WORLD! haha

Tiff said...

I am glad you are blogging again! Cute pictures. That was a lot of fun coming up to your house. Thanks for the BBQ.